Welcome to Hive.finance

Home of HNY Bee, stake your LP tokens in the Hive-farm or join the Honey-pot liquidity pool to earn HNY and put your money to work on Binance Smart Chain!

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Why Choose Hive?

We have built our network and our smart-contracts with an all for one and one for all approach.

State-of-the-art Blockchain Development

Everything we do is built around security and freedom of privacy. We are striving to deliver the best, decentralized finance protocol on the market.

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HoneyComb with Bees

Unfortuneately our app is still in development!

There is still plenty to learn before you decide to stake your money in the HIVE or the Honey-pot. Continue below for more information.

What does it even mean to stake your tokens in a yield farm?

Check out this great article from decrypt.co that explains in detail what is happening when you stake your crypto.

Investors First

Our goal is to distribute wealth to all of the investors who are holding our tokens, so we can grow together with HIVE.

Cutting Edge Security

Up to date security using the latest methods.

The Hive

Stake LP tokens to earn HNY

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Stake BTC and HNY to earn more HNY
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Stake CAKE and HNY to earn more HNY
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Stake BTC and BNB to earn more HNY
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Stake UNI and HNY to earn more HNY
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